It is an application to search for restaurants in the vicinity of the current location (the restaurant)
飲食店(レストラン)検索アプリです。GPS機能及びぐるなびAPIを用いて現在地付近の飲食店(レストラン)を検索します。店舗名で検索結果を絞り込む機能、検索結果の一覧表示機能、指定した店舗の詳細情報の閲覧機能などあります。Restaurant (restaurant) is a search app.Search for eateries in the vicinity of the current location (the restaurant) by using the GPS function and Translation API.Function to narrow down the search results at the store name, the search result list display function of,There, such as browsing function of detailed information for the specified store.ぐるなびAPIv3対応